Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A Blogger's Insight on Making Money Online.

Here's an excerpt from a blog post we saw on Online Entrepreneurship. The author offers an insight on making money online, and has this to share:

It's not easy. There are literally thousands of posts, forums and blogs talking about the pros and cons of making money online, or more specifically, through your blogs. Most of them are all about personal experiences, but there are still many others trying to "persuade" you into signing up for a program you don't even need.

In fact, a lot of people out there are misguided into thinking that it's easy to make money through blogs. Just like any business venture, you have to seriously put time, effort and even money in developing blogs. But more importantly, if you don't have a passion for writing and a discipline for regularly coming up with quality content, then you're just wasting your time.

Online Entrepreneurship is not easy- there's no sure-fire way to success, no step-by-step formula to make lots of money. The truth is, you might even fail in a few efforts before tasting just the smallest bit of success. You have to treat it like you would any other business venture. There will be risks, there will be losses, but ultimately,there will be rewards.

You can read the rest of the post here. So there you have it- what can we learn from all this? Be wary of online scams. Don't be misled- online projects can definitely be worth your while, but you have to put in the time and effort just like any job. There are no shortcuts to success.

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